Lunar Polar Flyby Mission Project Charter
Soyuz/Inflatable Lunar Polar Flyby Mission
Project Mission Statement
The purpose of this project is to spectacularly return to manned space exploration using commercial funding. The other purpose is to obtain evidence of lunar water ice in the permanently shadowed craters of the Moon's polar regions using illuminated visual and other remote methods.
Project Long Term Goals
Project long term goals are:
Identify and recruit customers interested in space-based product/service advertising or entertainment.
Obtain necessary capital to finance all phases of mission.
Coordinate mission operations with Russian manufacturers, American inflatable manufacturer and operations contractor.
Identify and recruit science customers interested in flying remote sensing hardware.
Project Groundrules
Project groundrules are:
Mission must fly within 24 months of customer contract signing.
Crew will remain suited for 1 day while testing the inflatable structure.
Pilot is an experienced former Cosmonaut with extra-vehiclular activity experience.
Second crewmember is a GSC employee tasked with payload and life science operations.
Third crewmember is an employee of the principal customer and is tasked with performing the customer's mission.
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