Placing an Order Via Telephone
The General Space Office telephone number is: (713) 333-1663. If one of our staff is not available, please leave the information listed below on our voice mail.
When placing an order by telephone for more information, please provide the following information to our representative or our voice-mail system:
Your name and the shipping address.
Your telephone number, e-mail address and/or fax number for the order confirmation.
Each index number and the title of each product, service or publication that you would like to see more information on.
Please subtotal the charges for the information packets for the products, services and publications of interest, adding the appropriate shipping and handling charge.
The total order amount.
Tax if appropriate (Texas residents add 7% sales tax.)
The total order amount plus sales tax (if applicable).
A GSC representative may call you to confirm or clarify your order (If you are not confident that the person calling is a GSC representative, tell them that you will call them back. The GSC office telephone number of (713) 333-1663.
We will try to get the information packets ordered shipped out as quickly as possible. Orders for may be shipped separately, if some of the information requested is not readily available.
Payment Methods
Provide your credit card information* (card type, name as it appears on card, card number, and expiration date) to the GSC representative.
Or you can mail a check (allow 2 weeks for it to clear), money order, cashiers check, cash (please send registered) or send your credit card information* in the mail.
If you provide GSC with a password (that you make up) with the credit card information*, we will store it off-line and you can place future orders via e-mail using the password in place of your credit card information. For additional security, we will only ship to your original shipping address when you use the password.
For current pricing rates, click here.
To return to the GSC Russian Aerospace Marketplace home page, click here.
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